Many entrepreneurs do not realize how important it is to obtain payment of payroll taxes to be made in time. If a late payment will be made as soon as the IRS brings to it, the penalties are stiff: 10% discount on top, plus interest. Trying to earn that in a bank today! Resist the temptation to pay too late, because it saves money, "it is a money-loser. Plus, the penalties are not deductible.
Quick Tip: The IRS uses the term "tax deposit account" within the meaning of "paying taxes", and uses the term "monthly depositor" or"semi-weekly depositor" to "paying monthly" or "semi-weekly payers", respectively.
Determine the schedule for payments
Before you can decide when the tax is due, you must first check whether you are a monthly depositor or a semi-weekly depositor. What type are you have nothing to do with when and how often you pay employees to do. To determine the schedule, to you, please review the records in the billing period of "observation" for. That period always endsJuly 1 to June 30 for 2006, the period of "observation" from 1 July 2004 to June 30, 2005. If the amount deducted for taxes 941 50,000 dollars or less, you are a monthly depositor. If the amount in that period more than 50,000 U.S. dollars, it is a semi-weekly depositor.
Monthly Depositor
If you are a monthly depositor, you will pay the taxes by 15 the following month. For example, with 941 kept in the August 2006 payment is due on Friday, September 15th. When15. falls on a weekend or a holiday in Germany, the payment must be made the next business day.
Semi-Weekly Depositor
If the payday falls on a Wednesday, Thursday and / or Friday, the deposit will be payable by next Wednesday.
If the payday falls on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday and / or Tuesday, the deposit will be due by next Friday.
Entries $ 100,000
Regardless of the nature of the depositors who are deemed 941 if $ 100,000 or more to reachPayment must be made the next working day, and the semi-week deposit rules in effect, to transmit.
Payment methods
Payments can one of three ways:
The IRS will send you a yellow booklet with coupons. Fill out one, and take a check to your bank. Be sure to fill in the butt than the coupon for your records.
Using the electronic payment system of the Federal Tax Administration. For more information and to register. Leave about two weeks to registersuccessfully completed. Other types of fees can be paid even with this system.
Find a provider's payroll, electronic payment of taxes, job offers, and subscribe to this service.
Avoid Costly penalties
Do not pay too late
Pay with the right method
Pay the correct amount
These guidelines are for the federal contribution is only 941, and are designed for small businesses, with $ 100,000 in federal territory have identified 941 bills. See the instructions for Form 941, andCircular E for more details and information.
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